Model 3 2021-23 dashboard cover 2-piece (no film!)
Deutschland 1-3 Werktage andere Länder 2-6 Werktage
Carbon look dashboard cover for Tesla Model 3/Y 2021-23
Description: Consists of two fixed parts in ABS plastic, attaches in 3 minutes, without bubbles.
For the facelift model 3/Y 2021/22/23 we have the new optional door panels in the same look as the dashboard in the Assortment.
The cover is also available in real carbon . The one-piece real carbon cover eliminates the transition between the two parts behind the screen.
This dashboard cover was specially designed for the Tesla Model 3 and enhances the interior. It can be applied in less than 3 minutes and leaves no unsightly bubbles. The material consists of a solid plastic, which guarantees a very good fit and freedom from bubbles! The material is also temperature, corrosion, UV and water resistant.
The dashboard cover can be removed without leaving any residue.
For a full "carbon look" on your Tesla Model 3, we recommend the following accessories
steering wheel cover carbon look
Load sill protection carbon look
Quantity: consisting of one continuous piece
Size: Suitable for Tesla Model 3 2021/22/23
Weight: Including packaging approx. 780g
Color: Matte Black
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